How to change the column positions in R, you can rearrange the columns in a data frame by using the relocate() function from the dplyr package.
The following techniques can be used to alter the column positions.
Method 1: Move One Column to Front
move ‘x’ column to the front
df %>% relocate(x)
Method 2: Move Several Columns to Front
move ‘x’ and ‘y’ columns to the front
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df %>% relocate(x, y)
Method 3: Place Column After Another Column in New Position
move ‘x’ column to the position after ‘y’ column
df %>% relocate(x, .after=y)
Method 4: Place Column Before Another Column by Moving the Column
move ‘x’ column to position before ‘y’ column
df %>% relocate(x, .before=y)
The examples that follow demonstrate how to use each technique with the given data frame.
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Let’s make a dataset
df <- data.frame(team=c('P1', 'P1', 'P1', 'P1', 'P2', 'P2', 'P2'), points=c(110, 112, 123, 154, 215, 146, 87), assists=c(81, 75, 22, 33, 52, 29, 70), rebounds=c(46, 56, 18, 19, 87, 80, 93))
Now we can view the dataset
team points assists rebounds 1 P1 110 81 46 2 P1 112 75 56 3 P1 123 22 18 4 P1 154 33 19 5 P2 215 52 87 6 P2 146 29 80 7 P2 87 70 93
Example 1: Move One Column to Front
The relocate() function can be used to move one column to the front as demonstrated by the code below.
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column “assists” to the front
df %>% relocate(assists)
assists team points rebounds 1 81 P1 110 46 2 75 P1 112 56 3 22 P1 123 18 4 33 P1 154 19 5 52 P2 215 87 6 29 P2 146 80 7 70 P2 87 93
Example 2: Move a few columns forward
The relocate() function can be used to advance multiple columns by using the following code.
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shift “points” and “assistances” to the front
df %>% relocate(points, assists)
points assists team rebounds 1 110 81 P1 46 2 112 75 P1 56 3 123 22 P1 18 4 154 33 P1 19 5 215 52 P2 87 6 146 29 P2 80 7 87 70 P2 93
Example 3: Place Column After Another Column in New Position
The relocate() function can be used to position one column behind another column by using the following code.
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place the “team” column after the “assistances” column
df %>% relocate(team, .after=assists)
points assists team rebounds 1 110 81 P1 46 2 112 75 P1 56 3 123 22 P1 18 4 154 33 P1 19 5 215 52 P2 87 6 146 29 P2 80 7 87 70 P2 93
Example 4: Place Column Before Another Column by Moving the Column
The relocate() function can be used to move one column ahead of another column by providing the following code.
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place the “team” column before the “rebounds” column.
df %>% relocate(team, .before=rebounds)
points assists team rebounds 1 110 81 P1 46 2 112 75 P1 56 3 123 22 P1 18 4 154 33 P1 19 5 215 52 P2 87 6 146 29 P2 80 7 87 70 P2 93